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Wie oft müssen Solarmodule gereinigt werden?

Optimal Cleaning Frequency for Solar Panels

The frequency of cleaning solar panels varies depending on several factors, including the location, environmental conditions, and the level of contamination. Here’s a detailed breakdown of the considerations and typical cleaning intervals:

Bitte beachten Sie die detaillierte Berechnungsmethode:Berechnungsformeln für Reinigungswirkung und -intervalle bei Photovoltaik-Kraftwerken

Environmental Factors

1. Industrial Areas

Solar panels in industrial areas are more prone to contamination from pollutants such as industrial dust, oil fumes, and acid-alkali particles.

Cleaning Frequency: These panels may need to be cleaned more frequently, possibly every few weeks, to maintain optimal performance.

2. Rural and Desert Areas

In areas with high levels of sand and dust, such as deserts or mountainous regions, the accumulation of dust can significantly impact the efficiency of solar panels.

Cleaning Frequency: Panels in these areas might benefit from cleaning every 4 to 6 weeks, especially during dry seasons.

Wie oft müssen Solarmodule gereinigt werden?

3. Urban and Residential Areas

Urban and residential areas may experience less severe contamination but can still face issues with pollen, bird droppings, and general urban dust.

Cleaning Frequency: Cleaning once every 6 to 12 months is generally sufficient in these areas, although more frequent inspections and cleaning may be needed during particularly dusty or polluted periods.

Pollution Levels

1. Light Pollution

Lightly polluted panels, where dust accumulation is minimal, can be cleaned annually.

2. Moderate Pollution

Moderately polluted panels may need cleaning every 6 months to prevent significant efficiency losses.

3. Severe Pollution

Severely polluted panels, where dust and other contaminants accumulate quickly, should be cleaned every 4 months to maintain performance.

The optimal cleaning cycle for photovoltaic power plants

  • Mild pollution requires cleaning every 7 weeks
  • Moderate pollution every 1-2 months
  • Severe pollution every 1-2 weeks

Here are the cleaning recommendations based on different scenarios:

  • Desert Areas: Mild – weekly, Moderate – 1-2 times weekly, Severe – every 3 days.
  • Rural Areas: Mild – every 2 months, Moderate – 1-2 months, Severe – monthly.
  • Urban Areas: Mild – monthly, Moderate – 1-2 monthly, Severe – weekly.
  • Industrial Areas: Mild – weekly, Moderate – 1-2 weekly, Severe – every 3 days.
  • Coastal Areas: Mild – every 3 months, Moderate – every 2 months, Severe – monthly.
  • Agricultural Areas: Mild – every 2 months, Moderate – 1-2 monthly, Severe – monthly.

Wie oft müssen Solarmodule gereinigt werden?


1. Sunny and Dry Climates

In sunny and dry climates, dust and dirt can accumulate more rapidly, necessitating more frequent cleaning.

2. Wet and Humid Climates

In wet and humid climates, natural rain can help wash away some of the contaminants, reducing the need for frequent cleaning.

3. Special Weather Events

  • Sandstorms and Dust Storms: After sandstorms or dust storms, immediate cleaning is recommended to prevent long-term efficiency loss.
  • Heavy Rainfall: Continuous heavy rainfall can wash away contaminants, but it can also lead to water spots and other residues that may require cleaning.

Economic Considerations

1. Cost-Benefit Analysis

The optimal cleaning frequency balances the cost of cleaning (including water, labor, and equipment) with the benefits of increased power output.

Example: A study by Guangzhou Development New Energy Co., Ltd. found that cleaning every 7 weeks maximized the economic benefits for rooftop solar panels in their specific location.

2. Dynamic Adjustment

Some advanced systems use sensors to monitor the cleanliness of solar panels and adjust the cleaning schedule dynamically.

  • Sensors Used: Dust sensors, rain sensors, temperature sensors, and flow sensors can all provide data to determine the best time for cleaning.
  • Algorithm: The system can calculate the power loss due to dust and the cost of cleaning, finding the point where net gains are maximized.

Technical Considerations

1. Impact of Dust on Performance

Dust can reduce the efficiency of solar panels by up to 30%, depending on the severity of contamination.

Example: A study showed that 8 days of natural dust accumulation in heavily polluted areas could reduce the relative transmittance of the glass layer by about 20%.

2. Cleaning Efficiency

Effective cleaning can restore the I-V characteristics, surface temperature, short-circuit current, open-circuit voltage, output power, and light energy conversion efficiency of solar panels.

Example: An 8.2 MW solar power plant in Dongyuan County, Guangdong Province, saw significant improvements in these parameters after automated cleaning.

Best Practices

  • Regular Inspections: Conduct regular visual inspections to assess the level of contamination and determine if cleaning is necessary.
  • Sensor Integration: Use sensors to monitor the cleanliness and environmental conditions, allowing for dynamic adjustments to the cleaning schedule.
  • Adaptive Cleaning Strategies: Implement adaptive cleaning strategies based on real-time data to optimize cleaning frequency and minimize costs while maximizing efficiency.


The optimal cleaning frequency for solar panels is highly context-dependent. In industrial and desert areas, more frequent cleaning (every 4 to 6 weeks) is advisable, while in urban and residential areas, cleaning once every 6 to 12 months is often sufficient. Advanced IoT-based systems can help tailor the cleaning schedule to specific conditions, ensuring maximum efficiency and economic benefits.



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